Sunday, March 29, 2009

Carson comes into the world! (Labor & Delivery)

Sunday March 22, 2009 we met our incredibly handsome son Carson Lane at 11:24am. He is perfect and we instantly fell in love with him, even more so than when he was growing inside me. I'll share my story of the whole labor experience.
5am Sunday morning I felt some little contractions however was able to doze for a little longer until 6. They began to come more frequently so I thought a bath would be good to relax and in case it was false labor they theoretically would have subsided. It soon became clear it was definately NOT false labor. My contractions were 4 min apart lasting 20-30 seconds. I decided it was probably time to wake Ben up at 6:30 and let him know it was baby time. Made some coffee for him too... (figured it would be a long day since they say that often first time mom's can labor for up to 12 hours...or longer... yeah, not me) So he got up, we began making sure our bag was packed and my ctx's were getting closer together and lasting about 40 sec's. During my pregnancy we had read The Birth Book by Dr. Sears and it was great. It basically taught to focus on relaxing your body and not getting tense during each ctx. (Of course there was A LOT more great stuff, that's just what I focused on during them) So I just stayed still, closed my eyes, relaxed completely and got through them. I called my midwife to tell her what was going on and she said I was probably in the early stages of labor and to just relax at home, get stuff done, eat well, etc. Well I have to say that I don't think I stated clearly how intense the ctx's were, I was not able to talk through them and had to be completely still. So anyhow I did stay home for a while longer but was definately not able to move around much because they were getting closer together. By the time they were 2-3 min apart (9:45) I called the midwife again and she said come on in. So off we went to the hospital! Called my mom on the way there and she asked if she should come head over and I told her to hold off a bit in case I wasn't dialated very much, I didn't want her hanging around the hospital for hours.... boy was I wrong! I had 2 ctx's between the car and the check in desk and 2 more from there to the 4th floor. Baby was definately ready to come. Got into the delivery room, I was 8cm and +1 (Ben called the parents to tell them we were staying and it was close so to head on down) after 2 more ctx's I felt I was ready to push, I was 10cm and complete... Ready, set, GO! I was so excited in this moment because we were about to meet this precious new life. After about 10-15 min our beautiful baby boy was born! (We didn't know what sex we were having and were very surprised it was a boy!) He was born at 11:24am, weighed 8lbs 2oz and was 20in long. It was honestly the most incredible experience in the world. Yes it was painful but very quick and manageable for me and I loved the whole thing.
We were so in love the moment we saw him. The look on Ben's face as he stared at our son was so amazing, he was so proud and the love just shined on Carson. When the nurse put him him in my arms I was speechless. I just stared at him in amazement and was thanked the Lord for such a a perfect gift.
