Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Carson is exploring his world

Carson has been loving to "talk" to us more and more all the time. His little voice is so precious and it's fun talking back to him. Often when he sneezes, and they come in mulitples (so cute), he then coo's afterwards, like it's a relief or something. It makes us laugh every time.
On May 1st he gave us his first real smile, it was so exciting that he was actually doing it while he was awake! He's been doing the smiling thing in his sleep since the beginning, which is still so cute, but to know he did it because he was looking at us and happy made a couple very excited parents! He's done a few more times since then and I can't wait to see it more and more.
He is such an observant little boy, always looking around at different colors or shapes... or sometimes it's just at the wall and I wonder what in the world he's looking at... Nevertheless he's seeing all sorts of new things and loves to look around. He follows us a lot, just watching, studying his mom and dad. It's the most amazing feeling to know that to this tiny little person you are, as parents, all he wants. You are their comfort, their security, their love, their provider, you are their everything.

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